Much requested is the possibility to leave a genotype unknown/open. More on Sabino, Tobiano, Roan and KIT...
q = Cinnamon (sorrel) tortie Plug-in Chicken Calculator Design Wizard (Demo) | Go to Wildcard version (Radiobutton layout) For the unknown genes I provided a dominant AND a recessive allele for most scenarios. MNL = Munchkin, longhaired variety** Ideaal voor biologieles of voor fokkers van andere diersoorten die snel een uitgebreid kruisingschema willen maken.
kinds of tortie smokes. Includes advanced option. SOK = Sokoke
Kleurengenerator tamme rat Kleurengenerator Syrische hamster Kleurengenerator Russische dwerghamster. It looks a bit pale for typical brown-mutation. AMS = American Shorthair - Go to Plug-in version. Internet required, database driven. Er zijn vele hints beschikbaar. Fouten graag terugmelden. The new Chicken Calculator Flagship is organized in tab pages and has even more features: Plug-in Chicken Calculator with Tab-view and Tree-view (Many more genes added), Plug-in Kip Calculator met Tab-pagina's en Boomstructuur-view (Nederlandse versie, veel meer genen toegevoegd), Plug-in Hühner Kalkulator mit Tab-view und Tree-view (Viele Gene zugefügt), Extended Rabbit Calculator (Demo) 98 = Short legs, munchkin**. j = Lilac tortie Daarom kun je de volgorde van de Genen (Gen/Locus info) beter niet wijzigen. Russet phenotype is similar but with black trim. This layout comprises 2 rows of alleles per gene. Typical Mammal Color Genetics, Duif | Kruisingsschema maken | Konijn | Cavia | Kat | Eend | Putter | Goudvink | Rijstvogel | Kanarie | Hond | Koe | Oog- en haarkleur Mens There is yet another layout proposed by Renate Regitz ( Now people mate two mutations and ask Âwhy am I not getting a color? or Âwhy donÂt my two grand champions have good offspring? ItÂs because genetics are much more complicated than 1+1=2 or gray + white = mosaic. "Light lilac" in the calculator is often called "fawn". You can switch layout from the self built calculators directly. The Agouti monster: Goat Coat Color Calculator (Geit / Ziege) Chicken Quest Calculator The Llama is the domesticated Guanaco, Alpaca is the domesticated Vicuna. Zebrafinch Calculator Italian (Diamante Mandarino, usage is confidential) ABS = American Bobtail Shorthair WoodDuck Calculator (Carolina eend / Brautente / Aix sponsa) All silver tabby varieties, PBL = Pixie-Bob Longhair Dave heeft een zeer goede duiven(genetica) website: National Federation of Flying Breed Pigeons, UK and heeft een eigen frisse kijk op de calculator. Choose another agouti locus for more illustrations. Not that you should be breeding any of those strange colors! Noem ze bv. copyright op de plaatjes. See remark above. 03 = -white, bicolour (1/3 to 1/2 of the cat white) Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board). Lachduif Calculator (NL) Here are the chinchillas genetics for each chinchilla color. New insights:
If you find any code in a database that does not correspond to this system, please notify the database maintainer!
Thanks to Wout van Gils and Inte Onsman ( MUTAVI ). Includes split aspects. Based on (click picture) and Rasek's Ringnecked Dove Calculator (see below). Canary Calculator (Kanarie) Je kunt kiezen voor onafhankelijke overerving of gekoppeld voor de patroongenen (zie de tabel met kippenpatronen oranje en rood). Chicken Autosomal Red Calculator (Demo) TOL = Tonkinese Longhair TRX = Tennessee Rex** Pet Chinchilla Not covered in these versions: the many pied genes, gimpel/arch angel, almond-series, opals, icy, kite, reduced. Some browsers support much more characters. 31 = Sepia (Burmese) colour restriction
Illustrations are meant as a basic indication of the phenotype. Can work without internet connection. About pictures and permissions | Over plaatjes en toestemming. Without extended black the 2 dilution steps (single or double factor) are less apparent. AI demo (KI-demo), New addition to the family of genetic calculators: cattle. The list of given codes covers breeds that are FIFe recognised, as well as breeds with preliminary FIFe recognition and also breeds recognised outside FIFe. Genetic Calculators by Others (eg. English intro | Basics of genetics | Genetics of Chickencolors | Chicken genes | Other species calculators. Share this page: Chinchilla PPU24-03.
Reds and ultra-reds are selections of Cinnamon. De grootte van de plaatjes kun je ook instellen voordat je een kruising uitvoert of de voorbeelden laat zien. COL = Collie** In chinchillas, you see the term hetero and homo pop up all the time, especially with beige chinchillas. Internet required, database driven. Only colorgenes. Gaynells Theseus, SIA c, has two Var-0 parents.
function showShank(){dgebi("imgshank").src = getShank("M",dgebi("selE").value+","+dgebi("selId").value+","+dgebi("selW").value);} Black in dogs is mostly dominant, except in german shepherd (recessive black, Agouti-locus). Next to a Dominant White the combination Piebald Spotted and Roan (=Grey) gives a Blue eyed white, possibly deaf animal. 94 = Polydactyl, unspecified** Best of both worlds? Examples of crossing and genetic principals are present. RUS = Russian Blue, but we also use this code for Russian type cats of other colours than blue** GRX = German Rex Has pictures to show the many agouti patterns. 4 = The same as group 3, but with white Note: White sheep, like white goats, are in fact very pale cream, yellow or red animals (no expression of eumelanin pigment i.e. SPH = Sphynx Upload in one internet folder and name the pictures as the outcome without spaces. Example genes: Gimpel/Arch angel copper/bronze (koper), Baldhead pied pattern, Almond series, Opals, Kite, Reduced, Icy. This is harmless, don't worry. Gimpel is pre-prepared in the standard pigeon calculator. When a homo beige is bred to a standard gray all the kits will be beige. Peacock Calculator (Pauw / Pfau / Pavo cristatus) It is the only example how to implement the genetic calculator for mammals with sexlinked genes. Colorlist Portal, powered by Breedbook database: Click picture above for a summary by Dr. Sponenberg, main source to the calculator and remarks below. Also pictures for shank color (best guess) and combtype. You will be able to add extra genes to that calculator. New addition to the family of genetic calculators. Menil is a form resembling common but with brown/red instead of black stripe on back, tail and framing the hind. If your chinchilla is Homozygous for the Beige trait you will see an unmistakable light ring around the pupil. Na klikken worden ze gesorteerd zodat het dominanste allel in de bovenste rij staat. Black and tan). This one includes the Arch angel/Gimpel and Icy mutation, for these produce clear and strong colors. Paard, Lachduif, 43 soorten Papegaaien en Parkieten).
Genes are pickable from lists for heterozygosity. The amount of illustration should be much higher than the standard calculators, but some subtle effects can not be shown. The known mutants are implemented as autosomal recessive. You are taken to a direct hyperlink to the calculator and some extra info about the species involved. With education all we can have is better predictions. This is because if you isolate the gene pair responsible for beige color, you will find one of two things: either the chinchilla with have two beige genes or it will have one beige gene and another gene (that doesn't produce beige color). Wheaten and Melanistic can suppress the neckring. 25 = Ticked tabby Voor meer informatie: (dutch bird board), Japanese Quail Calculator, US version (Japanse kwartel, Coturnix japonica) Budgerigar Calculator (Grasparkiet / Wellensittich / Melopsittacus undulatus) Je kunt nu ook meerdere nakomelingen onthouden voor latere kruisingen. NEB = Nebelung Based upon Rasek's version including Crossing-over frequencies. Guinea Fowl Calculator, new theory (Parelhoen / Perlhuhn). About pictures and permissions | Over plaatjes en toestemming Note: normal white geese are Sexlinked Diluted (dimorphic) plus Pied *. W+w Select 2 breeds of chickens and do a cross, Kip Calculator - Chicken Calculator Footfeathering is 2 genes with dominant alleles and 1 gene with a rare recessive allele for foot feathering. Regitz's layout Calculator Design Wizard (Beta-version). How to handle this issue so that breeders from all clubs will think it is reasonably acceptable?
Internet required, database driven. Flexible Crossing Over Calculator Design Wizard. Go to basics/overview chicken genetics. Language can be set to dutch or german instead of english. Llama and Alpaca Coat Color Calculator (Lama en Alpaca)
You can use this button (twice) to clean up the animals you selected for later crossings. POS = Polish Sighthound** Now you can add linkage groups of genes in this experimental module to calculate including Crossing Over percentages. Sepia/Faiogeno may be the same as "Bronze". Extended Pigeon Calculator Design Wizard (Demo) Nieuw: advanced optie. NFO = Norwegian Forest Cat
I recommend myself for comments of pigeon experts and geneticists for improvements of the programm. a = Blue This is a workaround to increase your maximum script run time to delay that popup. Whiteshield (and possibly Whitebelly) on non pigeons might be selections on a grizzle like factor. There is space now for 7 additional not too complex genes.
MCO = Maine Coon See remark above. Some breeds of Blue geese are claimed to be a purebreedable (dominant) Blue. In the following experimental calculators I implemented a different approach: List based Horse calculator Demo
De invoer moet wel gebeuren zoals de voorbeelden aangeven, en zonder onbedoelde typefouten, maar goed.
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